Geger! Ramalan Anak Indigo soal Situasi Panas dan Fenomena Alam yang Akan Terjadi di Tahun 2024

Jumat 02-02-2024,13:00 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

BACA JUGA:Ramalan Indigo Roy Kiyoshi Soal Kondisi di Tahun Politik: Suasana Akan Memanas di Tahun 2024?

Dia mengungkapkan kecelakaan mungkin tidak akan terjadi di bulan selanjutnya.

"Mungkin bulan-bulan ke depannya udah enggak terjadi lagi (kecelakaan)," ucapnya.

Roy Kiyoshi berharap pelaksanaan Pemilu 2024 tidak mengalami kerusuhan yang cukup serius.

"Mudah-mudahan tidak terjadi apa-apa di tahun 2024 berkaitan akan terjadinya Pemilu, saya rasa masih bisa ditolerir. Huru-hara atau panas pasti ada, tapi saya masih belum lihat division saya, apakah ini akan terjadi kerusuhan apa enggak, tapi memang cuma panas doang sih kondisinya," pungkasnya.

BACA JUGA:Heboh! Ramalan Artis Inisial R dan L Akan Mengalami KDRT dan Berujung Perceraian

English Version:

Great commotion! Indigo Children's Predictions about Hot Election Situations and Natural Phenomena that Will Occur in 2024

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - A prediction regarding predictions of events that will occur in 2024 comes again from indigo Roy Kiyoshi.

Roy Kiyosi predicts the heated situation in 2024 ahead of the 2024 elections and the natural phenomena that will occur.

This was stated by Roy Kiyoshi on the Odd Mystery Youtube Channel which was uploaded on Sunday, January 28 2024.

Roy Kiyoshi said that the atmosphere in 2024 will heat up and there will be riots.

"In 2024 there will be a very hot atmosphere, I felt there was fire, there were images of people demonstrating, people rioting," said Roy Kiyoshi, as reported by the Ganjil Misi YouTube Channel on Friday, February 2 2024.

Apart from that, he also sees that natural phenomena like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes will occur this year.

"I also feel that in 2024 there will be a volcanic eruption, so there will be a volcanic eruption, an earthquake too and I also feel that maybe this is an annual cycle that occurs every year," said Roy Kiyoshi.

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