Arti dan Makna Hujan saat Perayaan Imlek: Tanda Keberuntungan atau Keburukan?

Minggu 04-02-2024,11:00 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

BACA JUGA:Heboh Seruan Kampus Kritik Jokowi, Begini Respons Ganjar Pranowo

Dalam perspektif yang lebih luas, hujan saat perayaan Imlek juga dapat diartikan sebagai simbol persatuan dan harapan bagi masyarakat Tionghoa. Hujan saat perayaan Imlek adalah momen yang membawa kegembiraan dan harapan bagi mereka yang memahami arti di balik setiap tetes air yang jatuh dari langit.

English Version:

The meaning of rain during Chinese New Year celebrations: a sign of good luck or bad luck?

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Chinese New Year, or also known as Chinese New Year, is a very important celebration for Chinese people throughout the world.

One of the interesting things is when it rains during the Chinese New Year celebrations.

So, what does rain mean during Chinese New Year celebrations? Reported from several sources, the following is the meaning of rain during Chinese New Year.

Rain, a natural phenomenon that is often considered normal by some people. However, for those who understand the meaning and meaning hidden behind every drop of water that falls from the sky, rain can be something extraordinary. What's more, when it rains during the Chinese New Year celebration, the moment becomes even more special.

Many consider it a good sign, a symbol of good luck coming from the sky. Rain during Chinese New Year celebrations is considered a gift from the universe that provides blessings and fertility for the new year.

In Chinese belief, rain has a very deep meaning. Rain is considered a symbol of blessing and fortune.

Rain during Chinese New Year also symbolizes new life. Rain is a sign that nature is providing freshness and new life to the earth.

Rain is also considered a symbol of fertility. Every drop of water that falls from the sky is considered a seed of life that will grow and develop.

When rain falls during the Chinese New Year celebration, Chinese people believe that the land will become fertile and the harvest will be abundant in the new year.

Not only that, rain during Chinese New Year celebrations also has a deep spiritual meaning. The fall of rain during Chinese New Year is considered a sign that Goddess Kwan Im waters the Mei Hwa flowers.

The Mei Hwa flower is Dewi Kwan Im's favorite flower which she always plants during Chinese New Year celebrations. Thus, rain during the Chinese New Year celebration is believed to mean that Goddess Kwam Im is giving abundant blessings.

From a broader perspective, rain during Chinese New Year celebrations can also be interpreted as a symbol of unity and hope for the Chinese community. Rain during Chinese New Year celebrations is a moment that brings joy and hope to those who understand the meaning behind every drop of water that falls from the sky.

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