"Jadi nggak mungkin diam aja anaknya digituin. Jadi ya mohon pengertiannya aja bukan berarti aku nutupi. Aku mau proses ini berjalan dengan lancar tanpa aku harus cuap-cuap gimana pun," tegasnya.
Sekadar informasi, Dante meninggal dunia karena tenggelam saat berenang di kolam renang di kawasan Pondok Kelapa, KecamatanDuren Sawit, Jakarta Timur, Sabtu (27/12024).
Rekaman CCTV yang menunjukan kematian dante itu memuat Dante berada di kolam renang tersebut selama 2 jam 1 menit bersama YA.
BACA JUGA:Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia: Antara Cita-cita dan Realita
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.ID - The case of the death of Dante, son of Tamara Tyasmara and Angger Dimas, is still a mystery.
However, now it is known that the motive for Dante's death was that he was drowned by his mother's lover.
Tamara's lover, whose initials were YA, drowned Dante 12 times.
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Now YA has been arrested by the Polda Metro Jaya police.
After YA was named a suspect and detained, Tamara admitted that she no longer had a relationship with YA.
"There is no longer any (relationship)," said Tamara.
Not only that, Tamara even revealed that she no longer communicates with YA.
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"I've had no contact, since this incident I've had no contact with him. I look at him like I'm looking at my child," he explained.
Tamara also denied that she covered up this case because the perpetrator was her boyfriend.