Seperti yang diketahui, hubungan asmara Wulan Guritno dan Sabda Ahessa menjadi sorotan publik. Hal tersebut dikarenakan jarak umur yang terpaut sangat jauh yakni 15 tahun.
Bahkan, keduanya terlihat sangat bucin saat masih menjalin hubungan sebagai pasangan kekasih. Sabda bahkan sering hadir dalam acara rekan artis Wulan Guritno.
Begitu juga dengan Wulan, wanita berusia 42 tahun itu tak pernah absen dalam momen penting keluarga Sabda. Namun, di pertengahan tahun 2023, kebersamaan diantara keduanya tak lagi terlihat.
Rumor kandasnya hubungan diantara keduanya berawal saat Wulan Guritno tak hadir dalam acara ulang tahun ibunda Sabda. Begitu juga dengan foto dan kebersamaan di sosial media, tak ada lagi foto Wulan terpampang di Instagram Sabda.
English Version:
Wulan Guritno sues her ex-boyfriend to the South Jakarta District Court, it turns out this is the case!
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Wulan Guritno has taken legal steps by filing a civil lawsuit against her ex-boyfriend, Sabda Ahessa at the South Jakarta District Court.
The number of lawsuits filed is no joke, with the claim value reaching more than IDR 396 million.
It is known that this problem started when Wulan Guritno gave Sabda Ahessa a loan to renovate a house in the Kemang area, South Jakarta.
However, because the payment had not been made, Wulan Guritno took legal action by filing a civil lawsuit regarding the loan funds at the South Jakarta District Court.
There are several things conveyed in the lawsuit, as attached to the Case Tracking Information System (SIPP) of the South Jakarta District Court with case number 5/Pdt.G.S/2024/PN JKT.SEL.
In her lawsuit, Wulan Guritno asked her ex-lover to pay the compensation money she had lent him amounting to IDR 100 million.
"Punish and order the ACCUSED (Sabda Ahesaa) to pay compensation to the PLAINTIFF (Wulan Guritno) amounting to IDR 100,000,000 (one hundred million Rupiah)," wrote the statement in the South Jakarta District Court's SiPP.
In fact, the half-British and Solo artist asked his ex-lover to give him IDR 10 million in forced money for every day of delay.
"Punish and order the ACCUSED to pay forced money (Dwangsom) amounting to IDR 10,000,000 (ten million Rupiah) for every day of delay in implementing the contents of the decision in the a quo case," wrote the statement in the contents of the decision in the a quo case.