Tragis! Kasus Pembunuhan di Kota Malang Potong Tubuh Istri Jadi 10 Bagian, Videonya Bikin Ngeri

Jumat 01-03-2024,17:16 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

Setelah melakukan perbuatan keji tersebut, James Tomala dengan wajah biasa meminta bantuan seorang warga untuk mengangkat tubuh istrinya yang telah dipotong-potong.

Namun, warga tersebut menolak karena ketakutan. James Tomala sendiri mengaku bahwa dia melakukan tindakan tersebut karena kesal atas keputusan Ni Made Sutarini untuk tidak pulang ke rumah selama 6 bulan.

Semoga kasus ini dapat menjadi pelajaran bagi kita semua untuk selalu mengutamakan kedamaian, keselamatan, dan kebahagiaan dalam hubungan antar sesama. Kita harus bersatu untuk mencegah terjadinya kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dan memastikan bahwa setiap individu merasa aman dan dihormati dalam lingkungan sekitarnya.


English Version:

Viral Tragic Murder Case in Malang City, This Man Had the Heart to Kill and Cut His Wife's Body into 10 Pieces

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - This murder case which has gone viral again on social media has really shaken the hearts of many people.

A shocking incident occurred in Malang City, East Java, where a man had the heart to end his own wife's life.

This incident occurred at the end of 2023 and became the public spotlight in early 2024.

As reported by the Snack Video Gizmo story account and the creator's Gizmo Youtube Channel, this incident was carried out by James Tomala, a 61 year old man against his wife, Ni Made Sutarini who is 55 years old.

This terrible incident occurred on Jalan Serayu, Malang City, East Java on New Year's Eve, to be precise, December 31, 2023. This tragic story was revealed the next day, January 1, 2024.

This tragic story begins with Ni Made Sutarini's decision to leave her husband for approximately 6 months and choose to live on the island of Bali with one of their children.

Ni Made Sutarini's reason for leaving was because she couldn't stand her husband's temperamental behavior. He felt unable to do so and chose Bali and found comfort there.

However, one day, Ni Made Sutarini returned to Malang to take part in an activity. Unexpectedly, she had to meet her husband in a park.

At that time, James Tomala forced his wife to return home. The wife, unable to refuse her husband's invitation, finally complied with his wishes and came to his house.

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