Thariq Ajak Aaliyah Jalin Hubungan Serius Meski Baru 2 Minggu Kenalan, Kapan Nih Nikahnya?

Rabu 20-03-2024,10:57 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

Akan tetapi Aaliyah enggan membuka waktu kapan keduanya akan menggelar prosesi lamaran.

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English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID -  Aaliyah Massaid, who is now Tahriq Halilintar's girlfriend, said that Tariq invited her to a serious relationship.

Surprisingly, Aaliyah was invited into a serious relationship by Tariq when the two had only known each other for 2 weeks.

Not only that, Aaliyah also said that Tariq was a brave man and was serious in making decisions.

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This was revealed by Aaliyah during her podcast on YouTube Need A Talk.

"But he's a really brave person. So today we're chatting, really 2 weeks later, 2 weeks later, he immediately asked me to chat like that's what he said earlier, he wants an introduction, if it's appropriate he wants to be serious, basically," said Aaliyah. Massaid was quoted from the Need A Talk YouTube channel.

At first, Aaliyah was confused by the courage of Atta Halilintar's younger brother.

So, he actually responded with a joke.

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In fact, he didn't even respond seriously to Tariq's request.

"The thing is, he talked a long time, but after just 2 weeks of chatting, he was a bit confused, so I was joking at first," he continued.

However, Aaliyah felt there was no harm in considering Tariq's request.

Until finally, they chatted intensely to ensure that they both had the same goal.

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