Yuk Gas! Klaim Kode Redeem Mobile Legends Terbaru Hari Ini, Sabtu 23 Maret 2024

Sabtu 23-03-2024,10:18 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

1. First, open the Mobile Legends application on your cellphone.

2. After that, click the profile in the top left corner of the screen then select the "Settings" tab which is located at the top right of the screen.

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3. The next step is to click on the "Redeem Code" or "Exchange Code." then continue by entering the ML Redeem Code today Friday 13 October 2023 in the box provided.

4. The final step is to click the "OK" or "Redeem" button to exchange the prize from the ML Redemption Code March 23 2024.

You have to hurry up and claim today's redeem code so you don't get ahead of other Mobile Legends players.

After you successfully enter today's redeem code, you will get a free diamond free fire for you to buy skins in ML.

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The Mobile Legends redeem code for today March 23 2024 is:

1. MLBB Ramadhan2024 (10x Sacred Gem, 2x Hero Trial Card 7d)

2. MLBB515eSports (2x Epic Skin Fragment, 2x 50% EXP Boost)

3. 5p5n6h (2x Magic Wheel Tokens, 2x 200 Battle Points)

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4. t4xfxt (1x Hero Fragment, 1x 100 Ticket)

5. s5xa65 (1x 3d Skin Trial Card, 1x Double EXP Card)

6. ff49pzjgn (1x Special Skin Fragment, 1x 5x EXP Boost)

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