1. Open the site https://reward.ff.garena.com/id.
2. Enter or login to your account using several alternative methods, namely from your Facebook account, Google email address, Apple, VK or Huawei account, to your Twitter account.
BACA JUGA:Innillahi! Kecelakaan Maut di Jalur Contraflow KM 58 Tol Cikampek, 9 Meregang Nyawa
3. Enter one of the FF redeem codes.
4. In general, the Garena redeem code is 12 to 16 digits long. Click confirm.
5. If the code is still valid, the prize will be sent directly to your Inbox.
For today's redeem code, Tuesday, April 9 2024, namely:
BACA JUGA:Ingat! Ini 7 Makanan yang Perlu Dihindari Bagi Penderita Diabetes Saat Lebaran
- X99TK56XDJ4X
BACA JUGA:Antrean Tak Kunjung Reda! Pelabuhan Merak Masih Dipadati Penumpang Mudik