Mahalini Ternyata Sempat Adakan Acara Bridal Shower, Ini Daftar Rekannya yang Hadir

Senin 06-05-2024,15:00 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Mahalini and Rizky Febian are reportedly going to hold a wedding soon where the news of their marriage has shocked the public because they are of different religions.

Many people think that the event that Mahalini held at her house yesterday was an interfaith marriage process, even though it wasn't, it was just a goodbye event.

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Before officially getting married, Mahalini and Rizky Febian held a bridal shower together.

This is shown on the Instagram account @nindypricilia.

The bridal shower decorations and ornaments look simple.

On the wall there appears to be a decoration that says 'Bride to Be'.

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Meanwhile, on the table, there were several cakes and photos of Mahalini.

The bridal shower event was also attended by Mahalini's older brother, Dion Raharja and his wife Nindy Pricilia.

Mahalini's future husband, Rizky Febian, and his friends were also seen enlivening the event.

"Bridal shower," wrote Nindy Pricilia on Instagram @nindypricilia Monday, May 6 2024.

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As we know, yesterday, Sunday, May 5 2024, Mahalini held the traditional Dharma Suaka event, where the prospective groom asks permission from the prospective bride's family to propose marriage or also known as ngidih.

With this event, many people considered that yesterday it was a traditional Balinese wedding event, even though there had not been a consent procession, in general, a legal marriage was held.

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