SYL Masih Tetap Membanggakan Dirinya: Saat Saya Jadi Menteri, Dapat 71 Penghargaan!

Jumat 12-07-2024,14:58 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Even though he had received a valid verdict, namely being sentenced to 10 years in prison, SYL still promised him after the verdict.

SYL has received a fixed sentence with a sentence of 10 years in prison on Thursday, July 11 2024.

After being sentenced, SYL continued to make promises to himself.

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Syahrul Yasin Limpo is proud that during his time as Minister of Agriculture he won 71 national awards, of which the President received them.

“I got a sentence of 10 years plus two years, not a small problem. But, I feel proud, when I was minister, (there were) 71 national awards, including those received by the president, awarded by the UN through the International Risk Research Institute (IRI) he said after the verdict hearing at the Central Jakarta District Court Thursday, July 11 2024.

Not only thanking himself, SYL also thanked Jokowi and the General Chair of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh. 

At that time, SYL spoke about the risks of his position.  

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"I would like to express my gratitude to Pak Jokowi for giving me the opportunity to become minister. Whatever the consequences of a policy, this is a risk of office for me," he said.  

"I'm sorry if as a human being there is something wrong, but Pak Surya Paloh is very consistent with the party in saying defend the people, defend the nation," he continued. 

The prison sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of IDR 300 million subsidiary to 4 months in prison for SYL was read directly by Chief Judge Rianto Adam Pontoh at the Jakarta Corruption Court. 

"Impose the perpetrator to prison for 10 years and a fine of IDR 300 million with the provision that if it is not paid, it will be replaced by imprisonment for 4 months," he said.

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