Sedang Dalam Proses Perceraian, Sarwendah Menangis Ceritakan Rumah Tangganya

Jumat 19-07-2024,07:00 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Sarwendah sadly cried about the condition of her household which is currently in the process of divorce.

As we know, Sarwendah and Ruben Onsu are separated and are currently undergoing a state divorce.

Sarwendah podcast with his younger brother on his YouTube account telling about the current condition of his household.

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It was clear that Sarwendah couldn't help crying when she talked about the condition of her household.

Sarwendah told this on the Sarwendah Official YouTube account.

At that time, Wendy Lo asked how her sister would deal with the divorce problem.

Sarwendah seemed to be trying to hold back tears which then broke out.

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"No need to answer, no need to answer," said Wendy, embracing and slapping Sarwendah on the shoulder.

Sarwendah prayed that he would be given the best way.

"Right now, haahhhhh... (sighs) just pray. Hopefully the best way will be given to everyone," he said 

"I also have to believe that this test given by God can be passed. Maybe this is one (God's way) of raising our level so that we are stronger," continued Sarwendah.

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