Sika! Kode Redeem FF Sabtu 3 Agustus 2024, Ada Hadiah Terbaru

Sabtu 03-08-2024,10:15 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

1. Open this page, Garena

BACA JUGA:Harga BBM Non Subsidi Pertamina Naik, Tapi Pertamax Stabil

2. Then log in using a verified account, you can use an FB or VK account and others.

3. Write down the redeem code which is a combination of letters and numbers of 12 characters.

4. Then, click the "Confirm" button.

5. Finally, check if it is finished, or click "in-game-mail" Free Fire.

BACA JUGA:Dapatkan Skin Terbaru! Berikut Kode Redeem FF Hari Ini 2 Agustus 2024

The redeem code is today, Saturday 3 August 2024.




BACA JUGA:Link Streaming: Tonton Langsung Perebutan Tempat Ketiga dan Final Piala Presiden 2024




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