Audrey Davis Dapat Ancaman dari Mantan Pacarnya Usai Video Syurnya Tersebar

Kamis 15-08-2024,17:00 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

Audrey's attorney said that Audrey had received threats from her ex-boyfriend regarding the exciting video that is currently viral.

The initials of Audrey Davis' former lover are AP (27).

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AP turns out to be the perpetrator who spread the exciting video with Audrey because he had feelings of revenge and was threatening.

"It is true that Audrey received threats," said Sandi Arifin, Audrey's attorney, in Jakarta, Wednesday 14 August 2024.

Sandi Arifin did not specify how many times Audrey received threats from AP. 

He only said that the threat had been made more than once.

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"What is certain is that there was more than one threat. For details, it is better to ask investigators because we are worried that it is not our authority to convey them," he added.

According to Sandi, threats from AP caused Audrey to report to the police in early August 2024.

"The decision of our client and her daughter was to make a police report on August 7," he explained.

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