Mengerikan! Seorang Anak Indigo Meramal Akan Ada Gempa Megathrust yang Memicu Tsunami di Indonesia

Jumat 06-09-2024,13:00 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

However, Steven Ivander revealed that the potential for a tsunami to occur is not as strong as previously thought.

"This tsunami was not as big as expected, and not as scary as imagined." he explained.

BACA JUGA:Info Harga Emas Antam dan UBS di Pegadaian Hari Ini, Kamis 5 September 2024: Kompak Naik!

Not only does it make people nervous, but Steven Ivander also said that there is still a chance of a megathrust occurring in Indonesian territory.

"This megathrust vision has a probability of about 30 to 40 percent." he explained.

Steven also said that his vision was getting blurry, which suggests that the threat of a megathrust earthquake may not be real.

"The more curious and prepared we are, the more blurred my vision becomes, as if nature is giving us protection." he closed.

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