Ini Klarifikasi Ladislao Camara Usai Digosipkan Putus dengan Nathalie Holscher

Ini Klarifikasi Ladislao Camara Usai Digosipkan Putus dengan Nathalie Holscher-@nathalieholscher-Instagram
Menurut Ladislao Camara, mereka berdua saat ini sedang sibuk dengan kesibukan individu masing-masing.
"Saya sempat bepergian ke luar kota, sedangkan Nathalie juga pergi untuk keperluan syuting," tegasnya.
Namun, menyadari bahwa mereka tidak membuat konten bersama bukanlah indikasi adanya masalah antara mereka berdua.
Ladislao Camara menekankan bahwa walaupun mereka tidak sering menghabiskan waktu bersama, komunikasi antara dirinya dan Nathalie Holscher tetap terjaga.
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Is it true that Ladislao Camara and Nathalie Holscher broke up?
Recently, news spread that it was rumored that Nathalie Holscher and Ladislao Camara had ended their relationship.
Rumors of Ladislao Camara and Nathalie Holscher breaking up started with the two of them rarely appearing together lately.
However, Ladislao Camara has now denied rumors of a breakdown in his relationship with Nathalie Holscher.
Ladislao Camara emphasized that his relationship with Nathalie Holscher is still fine.
This was conveyed by Ladislao Camara in a video upload on the Intense Investigation YouTube channel on Tuesday, January 23 2024.
"There's no reason," said Ladislao Camara.
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