Prediksi Tahun 2024 dari Anak Indigo: Fenomena Mengerikan Ini Bakal Terjadi di Tahun Ini!

Prediksi Tahun 2024 dari Anak Indigo: Fenomena Mengerikan Ini Bakal Terjadi di Tahun Ini!

Prediksi Tahun 2024 dari Anak Indigo: Fenomena Mengerikan Ini Bakal Terjadi di Tahun Ini!-Snapwire-pexels

English Version:

Predictions for 2024 from Indigo Children, This Terrifying Phenomenon Will Happen This Year!

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - An indigo named Hard Gumay looks at the events that will occur throughout 2024.

He revealed that there were heated post-political events and the phenomenon of plane crashes in the middle of this year.

He expressed this in a podcast with Dr. Richard Lee uploaded via dr. Richard Lee, MARS on Thursday, February 22, 2024.

Hard Gumay said that political unrest will continue in 2024.

"In 2024, political party commotion will still continue, there will be commotion between parties because of officials, the government, the presidential election," said Hard Gumay, as reported by Dr. Richard Lee, MARS on Thursday, February 22, 2024.

Apart from that, he also saw the phenomenon of 2 airplane accidents.

"In June there were plane crashes, two low cost carriers, one in the sea and one in the forest," said Hard Gumay.

The indigo child, whose predictions often come true, saw that the plane crash phenomenon would occur in the afternoon and early morning.

"The incident in the forest was at 3 in the morning, the one in the sea was at noon. One was found, the other was not found in the sea for a long time," he said.

Furthermore, Hard Gumay also sees that there will be an earthquake phenomenon in the East and West Sumatra regions this year.

"A big earthquake, hopefully there won't be any casualties in the East and West Sumatra areas. At the end of this year (2024)," said Hard Gumay.

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