Ramalan Anak Indigo: Raffi Ahmad dan Nagita Slavina Akan Segera Dikaruniai Anak Ketiga!

Ramalan Anak Indigo: Raffi Ahmad dan Nagita Slavina Akan Segera Dikaruniai Anak Ketiga!-@raffinagita1717-Instagram
Hard Gumay revealed that the 37 year old man would have another child, and this time it would be a girl.
"Raffi Ahmad will have an extra daughter," said Hard Gumay in a podcast with Dr. Richard Lee, uploaded via dr. Richard Lee, MARS on Thursday, February 22, 2024.
He again explained that Raffi and Nagita would have a third child.
"Yes, the third child, a girl," said Hard Gumay.
Apart from that, Hard Gumay saw that Raffi's career would go uphill and be successful in everything.
"His career is getting better, his life is getting better, better, everything," he said.
As is known, Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina really want to have a daughter. In fact, they often express their desire to have more children.
Not only Raffi and Nagita, their children Rafathar and Rayyanza are also impatiently waiting for the arrival of their beloved sister. On his beloved parents' birthday, Rafathar clearly stated that he wanted to have 5 younger siblings.
Raffi and Nagita's birthdays coincide on February 17th. The night before the birthday celebration, Rafathar was seen preparing to give a surprise on his father and mother's happy day.
In the video, Rafathar gives his best prayers to his parents. The eldest son of Raffi and Nagita looks serious as he arranges word for word on white paper.
Rafathar hopes that his parents will always be given health, abundant sustenance and always love him.
"Happy birthday mom and dad, I hope mom and dad are always healthy, have good fortune, happy and love you more and more," wrote Rafathar as a birthday greeting to Raffi and Gigi.
Following the writing of wishes given to his parents, Rafathar said that he wanted to have 5 younger siblings consisting of a boy and a girl. Hearing Rafathar's desire to have 5 younger siblings, the nanny laughed out loud.
When giving a surprise to his beloved parents, Rafathar clearly stated that he wanted to have a younger sibling again.
"Hopefully Aa will have a younger sibling," said Rafathar.
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