Resep Egg Roll Homemade Ala Hokben untuk Stok Frozen Food di Rumah

Resep Egg Roll Homemade Ala Hokben untuk Stok Frozen Food di Rumah-tangkap layar (Puguh Kristanto Kitchen)-Youtube
5. Iris serong adonan dengan tebal 1,5 cm. Goreng dalam minyak banyak panas hingga kecokelatan. Angkat, tiriskan. Sajikan segera dengan pelengkap.
TIPS: Tambahkan sosis di bagian tengah egg roll sebagai variasi tampilan dan rasa.
English Version:
Hokben Style Homemade Egg Roll Recipe for Frozen Food Stock at Home
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - For those of you who love Hokben food, you must be familiar with the 'Egg Roll' dish.
So, this time, we will share a homemade egg roll recipe that tastes very similar to Hokben!
For those of you who are curious about how to do it, see the following recipe for Hokben style egg rolls that you can make at home to stock up on frozen food in the refrigerator.
Reporting from, see the following recipe for savory and super delicious egg rolls to stock up on family food below.
4 chicken eggs, beaten well
the oil for frying
600 g ground chicken meat
100 g peeled shrimp, puree
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