Viral! Pemudik Memasukkan Motor ke Dalam Mobil Selama Perjalanan Mudik Lebaran: 'Ini Lebih ke Minggat!'

Viral, Pemudik Bawa Motor ke Kampung Halaman Gunakan Mobil yang Digunakannya-@lambe_turah-Instagram
"Just think positively, maybe there are no motorbikes there, maybe they still use handcarts there," added the netizen.
"The buset and motorbike were brought," said another.
"Move countries," said another netizen.
BACA JUGA:WOW! BCL Semangat Lebaran Sampai Masak Rendang 9 Kilogram: 'Bikin Gue Makan Nasi Putih Lagi'
"This is leaving, not going home," said a netizen.
"I feel sorry for my car," said another netizen.
"That's not going home, but moving, bro," said the netizen again.
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