Ternyata Sarwendah dan Ruben Sudah Pisah Rumah Selama 2 Bulan?

Setelah Muncul Isu Perceraian Ternyata Sarwendah dan Ruben Sudah Pisah Rumah Selama 2 Bulan-@intipseleb-Instagram
Pasalnya, selama ini ia harus merawat anak-anaknya.
"Tinggal serumah sama anak-anak. Aku sama anak-anak, misal gimana kalau anak-anak kagak ada emaknya. Yang bikinin bekal setiap hari siapa, yang masakin setiap hari ngurusin siapa," ujarnya.
English Version :
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JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - There is currently a lot of public discussion, where it is reported that the famously intimate artist Sarwendah and Ruben Onsu are in divorce trouble.
In fact, recently Ruben Onsu's wife, Sarwendah, just fell ill with sinusitis.
Instead of returning home after undergoing treatment for his illness, Sarwendah separated from his house with Ruben, preferring to live with his younger brother.
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Who would have thought that Sarwendah had been away from her house with Ruben for 2 months.
"It's been two months, so it's easy, you have a sibling living with a sibling. If you stay at a friend's house, it will be a hassle," he said in South Jakarta Thursday, May 2 2023.
Reportedly, Ruben did not accompany Sarwendah while undergoing treatment at the hospital.
It is also known that he did not pick up his wife after returning from the hospital.
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"In that case, he (Ruben Onsu) didn't come, but some of my friends came," said Sarwendah.
Sarwendah did not explain the reason why her husband Ruben did not accompany her or visit her when she was sick.
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