Terungkap! Ini Alasan Teuku Ryan Tidak Berikan Nafkah Batin ke Ria Ricis: Saya Tertekan

Ternyata Ini Alasan Teuku Ryan Tidak Berikan Nafkah Batin ke Ricis : Saya Tertekan-@riaricis1795-Instagram
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Teuku Ryan clarifies the divorce points which are currently viral.
Ryan clarified the issue of spiritual support that he did not provide while living in a household with Ria Ricis.
In the Directory of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, PA JAKARTA SELATAN Decision Number 547/Pdt.G/2024/PA.JS, there are various reasons why Ricis asked for a divorce which made the public start to corner Teuku Ryan, one of which was the issue of spiritual support.
Ricis revealed that she had never received any spiritual support since the second trimester of pregnancy.
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Ricis admitted that she was very burdened by what her husband was doing which did not fulfill his inner livelihood.
However, in his clarification, Ryan also revealed that he had tried as hard as possible to fulfill his mental support which was his obligation as a husband.
"I want to discuss the issue of inner livelihood, regarding this sensitive issue, I am actually reluctant to discuss it clearly, but what is certain is that I have lawful sex with my wife as best as I can, even though it is considered that there are many shortcomings," said Teuku Ryan, quoted from the YouTube channel Ryan TR Official Tuesday, May 7, 2024.
"You need to know that when carrying out this process you have to be happy and have a calm heart, whereas I am always under pressure in this marriage, there are many small things that I don't want to reveal, but this must be explained as to why I feel depressed," he said.
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Ryan also gave reasons why he was depressed when living in a household with Ricis.
"I can't communicate my feelings of pressure because I have to follow my wife's wishes. That's why I lose my enthusiasm because my mind is depressed and tends to not appreciate everything I have given," he concluded.
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