Ini Alasan Nathalie Holscher Tak Hadiri Acara Pernikahan Rizky Febian dan Mahalini

Alasan Nathalie Holscher tak hadiri acara Iky dan Lini-@intipseleb-Instagram
“Saya sudah kirim pesan WhatsApp dan mendiakan mereka. Berharap pernikahan Iky dan Lini sakinah mawadah warahmah. Selalu saling menyayangi satu sama lain,” ungkapnya.
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Sule's ex-wife Nathalie Holscher was absent from Rizky Febian and Mahalini's wedding, which means she did not attend the event.
Many suspect that Nathalie avoided Sule's family because she was not present at Rizky Febian's wedding.
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Not wanting the news to continue to be fried, Nathalie immediately gave the reason why she did not attend Rizky Febian's wedding.
Nathalie admitted that she was sick when Iky and Mahalini's wedding was held.
This is also the reason why the presenter 'entrusted' his son Adzam to Sule's ex-husband to attend Iky and Lini's happy day.
“So yesterday I was sick. Coincidentally, after filming, he kept dropping. "That's why the only person who came to the Iky event was Adzam," he said in Tendean Sunday, May 19 2024,
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Nathalie Holscher believes that her presence is not really necessary for Rizky Febian's happy moments.
Because of that, he only focused on preparing Adzam to be present at his brother's happy moment.
"It's no problem. Most importantly, there is Adzam who represents it, right? "Actually, he was the one who needed to be present at that moment because he is Iky's younger brother," he added.
As a continuing mother, Nathalie has given a good marriage message to Iky and Lini.
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