Terkuak! Ternyata Ini Alasan Boris Bokir Tega Ceraikan Irma Purba, Gegara Berat Badan?

Terkuak! Ternyata Ini Alasan Boris Bokir Tega Ceraikan Irma Purba, Gegara Berat Badan?

Terkuak! Ternyata Ini Alasan Boris Bokir Tega Ceraikan Irma Purba, Gegara Berat Badan?-@irmapurbas-Instagram

Apart from that, Irma Purba also felt that the change in body shape, becoming fat after giving birth, was the reason her husband was no longer interested in her.

"Or become fat after giving birth," said Irma Purba.

In fact, Irma admitted that she had to invite a personal trainer home to help her restore her thin body.

"I even invited PT (personal trainer) to my house, to do all kinds of sports," said Irma.

Irma felt that her ex-husband at that time could not wait any longer to see her beautiful again as before giving birth.

"Maybe it's taking too long, I can't wait," said Irma.

However, Irma does not know any other reason why Boris is determined to separate.

"I don't know, but I feel like it's insecurity," explained Irma.

Feeling less confident about her body shape, Irma finally determined to return to being as thin as before.

"I see that I have to change, I have to be Irma, go back to the way I was before," he said.

He emphasized that this wish was not solely for other people, but also for his health.

"Not for other people either, for me too for all kinds of health," he said.

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