Pegi Setiawan Merasa Dirugikan, Pihaknya Minta Ganti Rugi Rp 175 Juta!

Pegi Setiawan Merasa Dirugikan Setelah Jadi Salah Sasaran Penangkapa---Istimewa
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Pegi Setiawan asked the police to compensate them because Pegi was the wrong target of arrest in the case of Vina's death.
Pegi was declared free from prison on Monday, July 8 2024.
After he was released, Pegi asked the police to compensate Rp. 175 million for the wrongful arrest of the perpetrator.
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This was conveyed by the Pegi Setiawan Legal Team.
"Approximately Rp. 175 million from two motorbikes detained by the West Java Regional Police, with an additional monthly income of Rp. 5 million as a construction worker who was stopped for three months," said Pegi Setiawan's attorney Toni RM in Bandung Monday, July 8 2024.
His attorney also said that while he was detained, Pegi Setiawan had lost his income and job, which had been his family's main source of life.
As a construction worker, his client's income is enough to help meet his daily needs and the educational costs of his two younger siblings.
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“So when he was detained, Pegi lost his income. "So we will discuss with the legal advisory team and plan to file a lawsuit for compensation," said Toni RM.
Furthermore, he said that Pegi Setiawan's family felt embarrassed by the name of the suspect.
Apart from that, his party asked the West Java Regional Police to announce that their client was no longer named a suspect.
"In the verdict on the rehabilitation of investigators, Pegi was announced as a suspect for the West Java Regional Police to announce that he was no longer a suspect," said Toni RM.
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