Alhamdulillah! Bansos Beras Tetap Berjalan, Kemenkeu Tambah Anggarannya

Bansos Beras Tetap Berjalan, Kemenkeu Tambah Anggarannya---Istimewa
4. Tidak menjadi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN), Polri, atau Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI).
5. Terdaftar dalam Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial (DTKS) Kemensos.
Dengan memenuhi syarat-syarat tersebut dan mengikuti prosedur pendaftaran yang telah disebutkan, masyarakat dapat memperoleh bantuan sosial berupa beras 10 kg dari pemerintah, yang diharapkan dapat membantu meringankan beban ekonomi mereka.
English Version :
BACA JUGA:Subaru Indonesia X Garasi Drift, Luncurkan Tim dan Kendaraan Drift Kelas Internasional
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - The distribution of rice social assistance has been extended again as a way to help small people meet their daily needs.
This social assistance is given to small people who can meet their food needs.
With the extension of this rice social assistance, the Ministry of Finance is providing an additional budget of up to IDR 11 trillion.
BACA JUGA:Subaru Indonesia X Garasi Drift, Luncurkan Tim dan Kendaraan Drift Kelas Internasional
This was conveyed by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati at the DPR RI Budget Body (Banggar) Working Meeting.
"The allocation of rice aid and chicken meat and egg aid will be extended for 3 months, namely in August, October and December. The payment will increase the costs by IDR 11 trillion," said Sri Mulyani while attending the DPR RI Budget Body (Banggar) Working Meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2024.
Previously, Jokowi had asked the beneficiaries whether they had received rice food aid from January-June 2024. After that, it was confirmed that the distribution of the 10 kg rice aid would continue until December 2024.
"Did you get it in January? Did you get it in February? Did you get it in March? Did you get it in April? Did you receive it in June? After June, it will be August, October, December. It will continue until December," said Jokowi at the Bulog Buntok Warehouse, South Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan. quoted from the statement from the Presidential Secretariat Bureau 26 June 2024.
BACA JUGA:Subaru Garasi Drift Team Sukses Raih Kemenangan di D1GP South East Asia 2024
The requirements for people who want to receive rice social assistance are:
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