Buruan Apply!, Konimex Buka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bisa untuk Lulusan SMK

Buruan Dilamar, Konimex Buka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru! Bisa Untuk Lulusan SMK---Istimewa
- Minimum grade 2 report card score is 7
- Physically and spiritually healthy
- Domiciled in Solo Raya
- Placement at PT Konimex, Sukoharjo
BACA JUGA:Mau ke GIIAS 2024 ICE BSD Tapi Parkir Penuh? Ini 3 Opsi Lokasi Alternatifnya
The tasks you will do if you apply for this job are:
Responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the work space and facilities, as well as recording the check list data that is charged accurately.
Job vacancies are generally available for a limited time.
The status can also change at any time. Therefore, make sure this job vacancy is still available by accessing the company's official website or social media account.
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