Parah Banget! Pemilik Daycare Aniaya Anak 2 Tahun hingga Viral di Media Sosial

Daycare Tapi Tidak Care! Pemil Daycare Aniaya Anak 2 Tahun Viral-@gianluigich -X
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - It went viral on social media where a 2 year old baby was abused by the daycare owner.
This incident occurred in the city of Depok, West Java.
As we know, daycare is a child care center that many parents trust.
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This was revealed by the X account @gianluigich who asked for this synchronization case to go viral.
This account provides a number of pieces of evidence carried out by the owner of the Day Care with the initials MI.
Revealed by this account, it was unexpected that the MI perpetrator carried out an act of molesting a toddler.
This is based on CCTV evidence shown, where a student's child was unexpectedly stepped on at the daycare.
“PLEASE GO VIRAL! Savage! Parenting influencer, has daycare, but it's torture!," wrote the account.
“The suspect stepped on a student's child at his daycare. "One of the videos clearly shows the unexpected face of the perpetrator," he continued.
Due to this viral incident, the victim's parents also reported the owner of a day care center in Depok with the initials MI, for the case of conceptualization of their child.
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