Kabar Terbaru! Pemilik Daycare di Depok Ditetapkan Sebagai Tersangka

Kabar Terbaru! Pemilik Daycare di Depok Ditetapkan Sebagai Tersangka

daycare anak aniaya-@lambeh_turah-Instagram

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What makes this incident even more viral is because Meita Irianty is a parenting influencer who speaks out against violence against children.

Now the owner of the daycare has been arrested and has been named a suspect.

This was explained by Depok Metro Police Chief Arya Perdana.

"We have examined the four witnesses, then we have obtained sufficient and valid information and sufficient evidence, so we have arrested the MI suspect," said Depok Metro Police Chief Arya Perdana Depok Police Chief Thursday, August 1 2024.

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This woman, who is also known as a parenting influencer, was arrested at 22:00 WIB, Wednesday 31 July 2024.

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