Siap-siap! Uji Coba Makan Bergizi di Jakarta Diadakan 18 Agustus 2024, Cek Lokasinya

Siap-siap! Uji Coba Makan Bergizi di Jakarta Diadakan 18 Agustus 2024, Cek Lokasinya

Siap-Siap Uji Coba Makan Bergizi di Jakarta Diadakan Tanggal 18 Agustus 2024-@undercover-Instagram

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Get ready, Jakarta residents, because the Prabowo government's nutritious eating program starts on August 18 in Jakarta.

This nutritious meal is a manifestation of Prabowo's promise when he succeeded in becoming president of Indonesia.

Regarding the scheduling of nutritious meals, this was conveyed by the Acting (Pj) Governor of Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono.

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"Later on Monday (August) 18th (trial)," said Acting Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono at Central Jakarta City Hall Wednesday, August 14 2024. 

Heru also explained that the budget for the free nutritious meal trial did not come from the provincial government budget. 

The budget for nutritious food comes from the Acting Governor's operational budget.

"The governor's operational budget can also provide that. From my budget, the governor's operations," said Heru.

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Heru said the estimated budget for one free meal trial reached IDR 8 million. 

Heru has not yet revealed which elementary school will be the trial location. Heru only said that President-elect Prabowo Subianto's campaign program would be first tested in the North Jakarta area.

"Just follow me to the location, it's easy, we can easily access it, then we can go around Kalibaru, Cakung, Muara Angke, Cilincing, and so on," he said.

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