Mengerikan! Seorang Anak Indigo Meramal Akan Ada Gempa Megathrust yang Memicu Tsunami di Indonesia

Mengerikan! Seorang Anak Indigo Meramal Akan Ada Gempa Megathrust yang Memicu Tsunami di Indonesia

Mengerikan, Seorang Anak Indigo Meramal Akan Ada Gempa Megathrust yang Memicu Tsunami di Indonesia---Istimewa

According to this indigo child, there are several areas that have the potential to experience tsunamis with varying intensities.

Some of them will experience a fairly large scale tsunami, while others will experience a small tsunami.

However, Steven Ivander revealed that the potential for a tsunami to occur is not as strong as previously thought.

"This tsunami was not as big as expected, and not as scary as imagined." he explained.

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Not only does it make people nervous, but Steven Ivander also said that there is still a chance of a megathrust occurring in Indonesian territory.

"This megathrust vision has a probability of about 30 to 40 percent." he explained.

Steven also said that his vision was getting blurry, which suggests that the threat of a megathrust earthquake may not be real.

"The more curious and prepared we are, the more blurred my vision becomes, as if nature is giving us protection." he closed.

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