Duh! Bendera Parpol Diduga Jadi Penyebab Pengendara Motor di Flyover Kuningan Terjatuh

Kamis 18-01-2024,07:00 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

Peristiwa seperti ini tidak boleh terjadi lagi di masa depan, karena dapat membahayakan jiwa dan keselamatan pengguna jalan.

Diharapkan agar pihak yang bertanggung jawab segera mengambil langkah tegas untuk memperbaiki kondisi infrastruktur yang rusak agar tidak ada lagi kecelakaan serupa di tempat lain.

Bukan itu saja, tapi diharapkan adanya sistem pemeliharaan yang lebih baik agar kondisi tiang bendera dan elemen lainnya tetap kuat dan aman.



JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - An accident occurred at the Kuningan Flyover, South Jakarta on Wednesday, January 17 2024.

The accident involved a male motorbike riding with his elderly wife at 09.45 WIB.

It is currently believed that the accident occurred because a political party flagpole suddenly collapsed.

According to Mampang Prapatan Police Chief, Commissioner David Yunior Kanitero, this accident involved the victim couple with the initials MS (68 years) and his wife, Oon (61 years).


David Yunior Kanitero explained that the victim said that at that time they were passing by motorbike via the Kuningan flyover.

Then, a flag installed along the flyover suddenly fell and hit their motorbike.

This condition caused the flag to be dragged and caught, causing the motorbike and the victim to fall.

As a result of this accident, the two victims suffered injuries and were rushed to Mampang Prapatan Regional Hospital to receive further medical treatment.


After checking, it was seen that the MS victim had abrasions on his feet and toes, as well as a tear with 12 stitches on his right cheek.

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