Koplak! Pencuri Tak Jadi Ambil Kotak Amal Masjid Gegara Isinya Kosong

Senin 22-01-2024,19:46 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

"Mobil tidak dibobol, pintunya tidak dikunci. Tidak ada laporan selain kehilangan uang sekitar Rp 100.000, yang pemilik mobil diniatkan untuk disedekahkan," tutur Soetrisno.

Hingga saat ini, belum ada laporan resmi dari pengurus masjid ataupun pemilik mobil terkait kejadian ini.

Namun, Soetrisno mengimbau agar jika ada kerugian segera dilaporkan.

"Saat ini belum ada kerugian yang dilaporkan dan kami menyarankan kepada bhabinkamtibmas untuk segera melaporkan jika ada kerugian," terang Soetrisno.



Koplak! The charity box thief did not steal because the contents were empty.

Viral video of an attempt to steal a charity box at a mosque in Banyumas Regency, Central Java.

In widely circulated CCTV footage, a man wearing a mask can be seen entering the mosque during congregational prayers.

The thief then took a large charity box from the front of the mosque.


However, he quickly returned to his original place and put the charity box away.

This attempted theft incident became a topic of conversation on social media.

This incident reportedly occurred at the Al Mujahidin Mosque, Banjarsari Kidul Village, Sokaraja District, Banyumas Regency on Sunday 21 January 2024.

Apart from stealing the charity box, the man is also said to have broken into a car parked near the mosque.


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