Cuma Butuh Garam dan Kulit Pisang, Dijamin Gigi Kinclong Putih Semalaman

Senin 05-02-2024,17:12 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

Clean and white teeth are of course the dream of many people because they look clean and beautiful when they smile.

If your teeth are tart, of course it will make you unattractive and appear dirty.

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Brownish yellow teeth can be white again using only natural ingredients.

You don't need to spend a lot of money to buy teeth whitening medicine and have to get treatment at a dental clinic.

This table salt is believed to be effective because of its antibacterial properties which can overcome the problem of cavities and is also effective in whitening teeth naturally.

Meanwhile, banana peels contain potassium, magnesium and manganese which are naturally able to brighten teeth quickly.

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Here's how you can whiten your teeth just by using salt and banana peels.

1. Use Banana Peel

- Prepare ripe banana peels

- Then, rub the banana peel evenly over your teeth

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- Wait for 10 minutes

- Rinse with water until clean

2. Use kitchen salt

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