Ada-ada Aja! Viral Seorang Lelaki Mancing Ikan di Kuburan yang Sedang Kebanjiran

Sabtu 10-02-2024,12:00 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

"Dapat sugus apa gak mas kira-kira kalau kaya gitu," komentar @Muk.

"Sampai rumah meriang (sakit) tidak mas?" tambah @yus.

"Nggak bahaya ta," tulis @ren.

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Sebagaimana kita ketahui, kuburan adalah tempat yang terkenal seram bahkan tak banyak orang berani memasuki wilayah kuburan.

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - A viral video on social media shows the funny behavior of a man fishing when a cemetery is flooded.

As we know, currently we are often experiencing rain because we have entered the Chinese New Year 2024.

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It is a tradition during Chinese New Year celebrations that it often rains.

The man's hilarious behavior was uploaded by the TikTok account @shinyooshin_9.

It can be seen that the grave was completely submerged in water due to the rain that poured down on it.

The man was very relaxed, enjoying fishing in cemeteries and sitting on tombstones.

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"The important thing is to be sure mase (the important thing is to be sure mase," wrote the caption in the video.

Surprisingly, the man apparently fished in the grave until late at night.

With a feeling of being relaxed again and sitting on a tomb made of ceramic and cement.

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