Simak Rincian Pencairan Dana Desa 2024, Ada Kenaikan Nih!

Sabtu 10-02-2024,13:20 WIB
Reporter : Restu Herlambang
Editor : Priya Satrio

Such as population size, area area, and development needs in each village.

And thus the overall function is, the Village Fund is a very vital instrument in the government's efforts to increase development and welfare at the village level.

BACA JUGA:5 Buah Ini Terbukti Berkhasiat Membersihkan Ginjal

It is recorded that at most 25% of the Village Fund budget is focused on dealing with extreme poverty, at least 20% is for food and animal security programs

Village-scale stunting prevention and reduction programs, and priority sector programs in villages through capital assistance from Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes),

as well as village development programs according to the potential and characteristics of the village.

To speed up the distribution of Village Funds, in 2024, there will be several changes adjusted by the Ministry of Finance through the preparation of regulations.

BACA JUGA:5 Buah yang Bisa Bantu Hempaskan Bekas Koreng, Kulit Jadi Balik Mulus Lagi Deh

First, PMK 145/2023 concerning Village Fund Management which is a general regulation (multiyear).

Second, PMK 146/2023 Distribution of Allocation, Distribution and Use of DD FY 2024 which is an annual regulation.

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