Simak Rincian Pencairan Dana Desa 2024, Ada Kenaikan Nih!

Sabtu 10-02-2024,13:20 WIB
Reporter : Restu Herlambang
Editor : Priya Satrio

serta program pengembangan desa sesuai potensi dan karakteristik desa.

Untuk mempercepat penyaluran Dana Desa, di tahun 2024 ini, ada beberapa perubahan yang disesuaikan oleh Kemenkeu melalui penyusunan peraturan. 

Pertama, PMK 145/2023 tentang Pengelolaan Dana Desa yg bersifat pengaturan umum (multiyears).

BACA JUGA:7 Manfaat Kesehatan Biji Chia yang Ternyata Efeknya Jangka Panjang, Kamu Harus Coba!

Kedua, PMK 146/2023 Penyaluran Pengalokasian, Penyaluran dan Penggunaan DD TA 2024 yang bersifat pengaturan tahunan.

English version

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Details of the latest village fund allocation for 2024, which will see a significant increase

Village funds are allocated and given to the central government of each region

BACA JUGA:Viral! Penumpang KRL Wanita Diciumi Rambutnya oleh Penumpang Lelaki, Videonya Bikin Geger

This Village Fund is for development and construction at the village level.

This village fund program is part of advancing and empowering communities in villages to improve welfare and strengthen village autonomy.

Village Funds are usually allocated annually by the central government and used for various purposes

Such as infrastructure development, local economic development, community empowerment, and improving the quality of life in villages.

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The amount of funds received by each central government varies

The amount of funds allocated to each village is usually determined based on various factors

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