Resep Sajian Pho Bo Vietnam yang Menggugah Selera dan Mudah Dibuat, Wajib Dicoba di Rumah!

Sabtu 17-02-2024,18:30 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

Cara Membuat:

1. Tata tulang sapi di atas loyang. Panggang dalam oven suhu 200ºC selama 40 menit.

2. Dalam wajan, sangrai bumbu kering hingga harum. Angkat, sisihkan.

3. Dalam panci masukkan tulang, bumbu kering, bawang merah, dan jahe. Didihkan.

4. Masukkan, garam, merica, dan kecap ikan, aduk rata. Masak dengan api kecil. Matikan api. Saring kuah kaldu, didihkan kembali tanpa ditutup.

5. Dalam mangkok saji, tata topping sesuai selera, tuang kuah kaldu, sajikan panas.


English Version:

An appetizing and easy to make Vietnamese Pho Bo recipe, you must try it at home!

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Pho bo is a typical Vietnamese dish that is famous throughout the world.

This soup is made from beef stock rich in spices, thinly sliced beef, rice noodles, and various other additional ingredients.

So, for those of you who want to try this dish from Vietnam, you can try cooking it yourself at home! See below for the recipe and how to make delicious and fresh Pho Bo from Vietnam.

Reporting from the official page, here is how to make Pho Bo from Vietnam for a family meal.


1 kg beef leg bones, cut into 4 cm pieces

5 skinned red onions, halved, grilled

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