Sidang Perceraian Dimulai, Teuku Ryan Kekeh Ingin Pertahankan Rumah Tangganya

Senin 19-02-2024,19:55 WIB
Reporter : Restu Herlambang
Editor : Priya Satrio

"Setahu kami, keluarga RY yaitu Mbak Oki Setiana Dewi, sudah berusaha mendamaikan mereka," katanya.

Ricis menggugat Ryan pada tanggal 30 Januari 2024 melalui e-court.

Dalam gugatan itu Ricis meminta tiga poin yakni bercerai, hak asuh anak, dan nafkah anak.

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English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Teuku Ryan was sued for divorce by his wife, Ria Ricis, because several problems often occurred in their household.

The first divorce trial between Teuku Ryan and Ria Ricis was held on Monday, February 19 2024.

When the trial was held for the first time, Teuku Ryan admitted that he really wanted to continue his marriage.

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The first divorce trial between Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan was held at the South Jakarta Religious Court.

Regarding Ryan wanting to maintain his household, this was conveyed by Ryan's attorney, Doan Bachtiar.

Doan Bachtiar said that his client wanted to maintain his marriage and was reluctant to divorce.

"The point is, we want to maintain our household, we are ready physically and mentally," said Doan at the South Jakarta PA Monday, February 19 2024.

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Not only does he want to maintain his household, but Ryan also wants communication with Ricis to run well.

"Ryan always opens communication with RY (Ria Yunita or Ricis) and invites him to meet," he said.

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