Resep Egg Roll Homemade Ala Hokben untuk Stok Frozen Food di Rumah

Senin 26-02-2024,18:30 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

2 tbsp sesame oil

1½ tsp salt

½ tsp ground white pepper

½ tsp powdered chicken stock



bottled chili sauce

How to make:

1. Heat a flat frying pan with a diameter of 18 cm, add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil. Make 4 thin omelettes, cook until done. Lift. Set aside.

2. Filling: In a bowl, mix all the ingredients. Mix well. Stir well. Divide the dough into 4 pieces.

3. Take 1 sheet of omelet, place it on plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Add 1 part of the filling on top, spread evenly. Roll while compacting.

4. Steam the mixture in a hot steamer until cooked (30 minutes). Remove, let cool.

5. Slice the dough 1.5 cm thick. Fry in lots of hot oil until brown. Lift, drain. Serve immediately with accompaniments.

TIP: Add sausage in the middle of the egg roll to vary the appearance and taste.

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