Ternyata Ini Pekerjaan Pengendara Xpander yang Tabrak Porsche di PIK, Gokilnya Siap Ganti Rugi Rp 5,7 M!

Kamis 21-03-2024,17:33 WIB
Reporter : Restu Herlambang
Editor : Priya Satrio
Ternyata Ini Pekerjaan Pengendara Xpander yang Tabrak Porsche di PIK, Gokilnya Siap Ganti Rugi Rp 5,7 M!

Awalnya JS mengendarai mobil dari rumahnya menuju ke showroom yang ada di kawasan PIK 2 tersebut.

Saat ditanya apakah JS sering ke showroom tersebut atau tidak, polisi belum mengetahuinya.

JS juga diyakini berasal dari kelompok berduit lantaran kedapatan memakai plat nomor cantik di mobil Xpander-nya. 

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Setidaknya JS harus merogoh hingga jutaan Rupiah untuk mencetak nomor polisi tanpa huruf di belakang angka tersebut.

English version

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Ready to compensate IDR 5.7 billion, apparently this is the work of the Xpander driver who crashed into the Porsche showroom at PIK

Recently, the virtual world was shocked by the news that an Xpander car crashed into a Porsche showroom for IDR 8.9 billion.

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The Xpander crashed into the Ivan's Motor showroom and a Porsche 911 GT3 car in the PIK 2 area

Who is the person in the Xpander driver who is ready to compensate for the loss of 5.7 billion and what is his job?

The Xpander driver is a man with the initials JS (42).

JS is a resident of Grogol, West Jakarta who currently rents in the PIK 2 area.

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It turned out that the driver with the initials JS (42) admitted to working as an entrepreneur.

Unfortunately it is not known in what field his business operates

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