Kejam! Anak Yatim Dianiaya Tantenya Sendiri Sampai Dimasukkan ke Dalam Karung

Jumat 22-03-2024,15:14 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

Pelaku berinisial MS (37) bukannya merawat keponakan yang dititipkan ibunya tersebut, justru menyiksa korban.

Selain itu korban juga sering dipaksa mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah yang berat, seperti mengangkat air 10 liter menggunakan jeriken.

Mengetahui perbuatan pelaku, ibu korban pun melaporkan kejadian ini ke kepolisian.

BACA JUGA:Selamat! Jessica Mila Melahirkan Anak Pertamanya

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID -  It went viral on social media where a female orphan was abused by her own aunt.

After being abused, the girl was put in a sack by her own aunt.

This was made viral by the X/Twitter account @heraloebss.

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You can clearly see a little girl crying loudly while walking carrying two jerry cans of water.

The boy walked barefoot, occasionally he stopped putting down the jerry cans he was carrying because they weren't strong enough.

In the next video, the boy is seen crying hysterically and being put into a white sack by an adult woman.

Then, the woman lifted the sack containing the little girl. Meanwhile the boy continued to scream hysterically.

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But no one helped. Meanwhile, the video was recorded by a neighbor.

Based on the uploader's information, the girl is in the 2nd grade of elementary school and is an orphan.

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