Ramalan Menjelang Hari Raya Lebaran 2024 Oleh Anak Indigo, Tetap Waspada!

Selasa 02-04-2024,11:00 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

BACA JUGA:Ramalan Menakutkan Indigo Hard Gumay: Akan Ada Pria yang Memecah Belah Bangsa?

Terakhir, Miyan juga mengungkapkan ada kasus seorang anak hilang saat bersama dengan ibunya di Terminal.

"Selanjutnya, ada kasus anak hilang. Ibunya sedang berada di sebuah Terminal, terus anaknya hilang dan itu nangis histeris," tandasnya.


English Version:

Predictions Ahead of Eid 2024 by Indigo Children, Stay Alert!

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - An indigo child named Miyan Sumaryana is again predicting a phenomenon that will occur before Eid 2024.

In his insight, Miyan saw several natural phenomena and events that would be widely highlighted by all Indonesian people.

He expressed this on the official miyansumaruana YouTube Channel which was uploaded on Friday, March 29 2024.

In contrast to previous terawangans which always used plain water as a medium, this time Miyan Sumaryana used tea water as a medium to predict events that would occur.

On that occasion, Miyan saw a natural phenomenon in the form of flash floods that would occur in several areas.

"Flash floods are still occurring in several areas," said Miyan, reported on the official miyansumaryana YouTube channel on Tuesday, April 2 2024.

Apart from that, Miyan also sees that a small-scale earthquake will shake the Java region.

"Then even here in Miyan and in Java there are still ground energy shocks, earthquakes but on a small scale, but that makes us worried," explained Miyan

Then, Miyan also saw that there would be quite a serious natural phenomenon of landslides that would occur.

"Also, Miyan here saw what looked like a landslide, quite large," explained Miyan.

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