Ramalan Menjelang Hari Raya Lebaran 2024 Oleh Anak Indigo, Tetap Waspada!

Selasa 02-04-2024,11:00 WIB
Reporter : Jihan Meiby
Editor : Priya Satrio

It didn't stop there, Miyan also revealed that there were many incidents of theft that claimed the lives of victims in order to gain profit.

"This is about the negative aura of humans. Many people justify various ways to gain profits, such as some who lose a lot in the sense that there are cases where theft takes a life," explained Miyan.

Finally, Miyan also revealed that there was a case of a child who went missing while he was with his mother at the terminal.

"Next, there was a case of a missing child. The mother was in a terminal, then the child disappeared and was crying hysterically," he said.

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