Jet Pribadi Sandra Dewi Kok Belum Disita? Kapuspenkum Ungkap Alasannya

Rabu 03-04-2024,10:27 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

Sebagai informasi, suami dari Sandra Dewi telah melakukan korupsi dari tahun 2015 hingga tahun 2022.

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Some of the luxury vehicles belonging to Sandra Dewi and her husband Harvey Moeis have been confiscated by the prosecutor.

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This happened because Sandra Dewi's husband committed corruption to the tune of 271 trillion.

Sandra Dewi's luxurious life continues to be the center of attention and is proven to be the result of corruption.

However, until now the private jet belonging to Sandra Dewi and her husband has not been confiscated by the Prosecutor's Office.

What is the reason the private jet has not been confiscated? Come on, take a look at the explanation below.

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As head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum), Ketut Sumedana explained about the confiscation of luxury items from Sandra Dewi and her husband.

Ketut explained that until now his party was still carrying out in-depth data collection on all of Harvey's assets related to the corruption case.

This includes tracing the assets of Sandra Dewi's husband, who is suspected to be abroad.

"Until now, friends, we are still collecting data on assets. Not only those that move, we also trace those that don't move. We even collect data on those abroad," explained the Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum), Ketut Sumedana at the Attorney General's office building. Tuesday, April 2, 2024.

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Previously, investigators conducted a search at the residence of Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis on April 1 in the Pakubuwono area, South Jakarta.

As a result, investigators confiscated electronic evidence, a collection of related documents, as well as two red Mini Cooper S Countryman F 60 luxury cars and a black Rolls Royce.

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