Anak Isa Bajaj Akan Jalani Pemeriksaan Psikis Usai Alami Kekerasan Seksual di Alun-alun Magetan

Senin 22-04-2024,10:44 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

“Pendampingan psikolog dilakukan untuk mencari keterangan yang jelas, mengingat korban masih anak-anak, keterangan yang diberikan harus dipastikan untuk kekerasan yang dialami seperti apa," ujar Indirana di Mapolres Magetan.

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Isa Bajaj's child experienced sexual violence which left his genitals in pain.

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Comedian Isa Bajaj's son experienced violence while in Magetan square.

The victim of sexual violence was Isa Bajaj's third child, a girl from his marriage to Rahayu Mutiara.

The child who experienced sexual violence is whose full name is Oceana Otty Ceria Prasantyo.

After experiencing sexual violence, Isa Bajaj's child will now undergo a psychological examination.

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This will be carried out by the Magetan Police in collaboration with the Population Control Service, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DPPKBP3A) of the Magetan Regency Government.

"Yes, we will coordinate with related parties. "Usually we are with the department in Magetan Regency," said Kasatreskrim Magetan Police, AKP Angga Perdana Brahmada at Magetan Police, Sunday, April 21 2024.

This was done by the Magetan Police to overcome the trauma experienced by Isa Bajaj's daughter after allegedly experiencing violence while playing in Magetan Square.

This psychological assistance was deemed necessary, considering the young age of Isa Bajaj's daughter.

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“Yes, we will coordinate to overcome the trauma experienced. "Moreover, they are still children (the victims)," said Angga.

And as Head of the Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Division of the Magetan Regency Family Planning Service, Indriana Agustin said that a psychological examination of Isa Bajaj's child had been scheduled.

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