Mantan Kekasih Thariq Halilintar Ditangkap Polisi Gegara Kasus Ganja, Polisi: 'Banyak Modus Baru'

Rabu 24-04-2024,10:05 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

The police also carried out an investigation and in the end Chika was proven to be a suspect.

"After the results of the investigation, we have named him a suspect, his liquid ownership was obtained from AT, his friend," said Reksa.

BACA JUGA:Cek Hitungan Gaji Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia

The South Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit also urges parents to be careful when their children vape.

It is feared that the same thing will happen, such as Chika using vape even though it contains marijuana.

"We also need to convey on this occasion to all elements of society that they need to be more careful. We also remind parents that we must be able to protect our children's relationships because it is possible that now there are many new modes of drug trafficking. ," said Reksa Anugrah.

"This really needs the role of parents, the environment to be able to remind, colleagues around us also to be able to prevent these children from being exposed to drug trafficking," he concluded.

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