Dijenguk Ibu dan Ayah, Chandrika Chika Minta Maaf ke Orangtua: 'Aku Tak Menyangka'

Kamis 25-04-2024,10:22 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Chandrika Chika is currently being detained to be held accountable for his actions in using drugs in vape.

The method used by Chika is a new mode of doing marijuana.

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Chika has been detained at the South Jakarta Police Station since Monday, April 22 2024.

After he was arrested for a drug case, his mother and father immediately visited Chika at the South Jakarta Police.

The mother, Poppy, said her child was fine and had apologized to herself and her father.

"Yes, just an apology, just a word of advice. He also didn't expect it to be like this because it wasn't a party, it was a drug party. There wasn't anything like that. He came there just to play," said Poppy at the South Jakarta Police, Wednesday. , April 24, 2024.

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As a mother, Poppy was angry when she found out the news about Chika.

But now he can only support his daughter so that this case can be resolved quickly.

Poppy also emphasized that her daughter did not know anything about the liquid marijuana in her friend's pods or e-cigarettes.

"Isn't it angry anymore, it's better to give support because the news is down like this and he doesn't know the contents of the pods are like that, he doesn't know," he said.

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Chika's mother also said that the child really regretted what he had done to his friends.

"It's really regretful, so there is a lesson after this, choose friends who can find the right one," he concluded.

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