Teuku Ryan Klarifikasi di Youtubenya: Ibu Saya Dituduh Nyolong Sama Ria Ricis

Selasa 07-05-2024,10:42 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

Ryan menganggap Ricis berlebihan membesarkan masalah yang tadinya hanya masalah kecil.

"Saya sedih banget kenapa ibu saya bisa dibilang nyolong padahal sampai detik ini hampers-nya gak pernah saya kirim ke Aceh. Sampai kita selesai sewa rumah kemang dan pindah ke kebagusan hampers itu masih ada," tegas Teuku Ryan.

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JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - It's getting hotter after the divorce lawsuit letter sent by Ricis went viral, now Ryan is clarifying it on his personal YouTube.

Not just for clarification, Ryan even said that his ex-wife had a bad attitude towards his mother-in-law.

Ryan said that Ricis once accused his mother of helping or stealing Ricis's things.

This was conveyed by Ryan via the Ryan TR Official YouTube account.

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Ryan's mother was conveyed by Ricis to bring hampers during the Moana tentak siten event.

"My mother has been called helping or stealing hampers since her tedak siten show Moana," said Teuku Ryan on YouTube Ryan TR Official Monday, March 6 2024.

"This all happened because of a misunderstanding, we are actually hindering those who are supporting what perhaps should be told," he continued.

Not only that, Ryan also explained that the management from Ria Ricis provided the hampers, when the invited guests and the Ricis family had arrived.

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"The management of Ricis's younger cousin himself gave it to my family through my assistant. And he said no one else owns it, so just take it," explained Teuku Ryan.

When he arrived at Ria's house, Ricis asked to document this but there wasn't any.

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