Sandra Dewi Fokus Urus Anak Sejak Harvey Moeis Ditahan Akibat Kasus Korupsi

Sabtu 18-05-2024,11:46 WIB
Reporter : Aan Umilah
Editor : Priya Satrio

Sandra Dewi focuses on looking after her children at home because she wants her children's mental health to remain safe.

Not only that, Sadra Dewi also limits herself from traveling if it is not that important, she prefers to stay at home.

This was stated by Harris Arthur Hedar as Harvey Moeis' attorney.

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"The children are currently in the care of Mrs. Sandra, everything is fine," said Harris Arthur Hedar at Polda Metro Jaya Friday, 17 May 2024.

"Of course this case hampers his daily activities, his concentration is definitely broken. "So we can't do any activities yet," he said.

Involved in her husband's case, Sandra Dewi was also questioned by the Attorney General's Office twice.

Harris also said that currently Sandra Dewi's status is still declared as a witness.

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