Tiko Aryawardhana Siap Laporkan Balik AW Atas Tuduhan Penggelapan Dana

Kamis 06-06-2024,12:55 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

Not remaining silent, Tiko will also report back to AW who has accused him of embezzlement.

Previously, it was reported that Tiko went viral that he was involved in an alleged embezzlement case worth IDR 6.9 billion.

"If the source of the data is from Mr. Tiko, it should be confirmed by a public accountant. Is this data correct? Is this data valid? Don't let fake data appear to the public accountant and present it as if there was a loss," explained Irfan Aghasar said Tiko's attorney at his office in the Menteng area Wednesday, June 5 2024.

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"We also have efforts to protect the good name and family of our clients, especially as our clients' families are public figures, who are very disadvantaged," explained Irfan.

"We will also reserve civil legal measures, both criminal and criminal, for parties who in this police report try to include false or irresponsible data or are suspected of manipulating the data in this police report in accordance with statutory regulations. "invitees in our country, our clients and we will try to study the positions of the cases regarding our clients' accusations," he explained.

Tiko Aryawardhana urged the police to conduct an open case regarding the alleged embezzlement of funds worth IDR 6.9 billion reported by his ex-wife, Arina Winarto (AW).

Tiko wants all cases that have given him a bad name and their problems are clearly disclosed.

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